Saturday, February 15, 2020

Valentine Special; Love, God , Upama and Kadambari

Love is the justification of infatuation when you are in your teens and just a matter of convenience after that. But at the end of the day, if there is someone somewhere who misses you in your absence be it due to the longing for the good times as in past, out of habit or out of compulsion or out of resignation to destiny, its a cause worth dying for...

I remember one of my seniors at college had told this to me. I am not in touch with him for ages. I don't remember any other things or know what this philosopher is doing now somewhere on this planet despite both of us being in the same age as Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook, LinkedIn, and whatnot. God bless him wherever he is.

Does that mean that I agree to him on Love?  This is Valentine's week and the most trending topic all over. Read a lot of jokes especially relevant to age group I am in. Tonnes of trees have been cut to produce millions or trillion sheets of papers of varied sizes and shapes on this topic by people of all age groups and across all levels of writing skills and talents across millenniums. Terrabytes of computer memory has been blocked by bits of description of love. Do I have to add anything new?

On the prime face of it nothing but a reiteration of the fact that love is the driving force of nature. Love in its popular carnal action sense results in life. But Life further is driven by Love. And that love is towards self. Actions including those demonstrating this popular emotion towards others are the manifestations of this base class as in Object-Oriented world. Love is action and emotion. Its something indestructible as energy and transforms into various forms like loving your family, loving your work, loving your country, loving humanity. At the base of this, every manifestation is just loving oneself. And they called it ego. And Human ego is a fountainhead of humanity as told by Ayn Rand. But whether the human ego has benefitted the universe is something we are unsure here. That's where the concept of God comes in.

Heavy isn't it? To lighten things up I need to pick two different languages: Marathi and Sanskrit.

There is a famous old song in Marathi describing it

प्रेमाला उपमा नाही
हे देवा घरचे लेणे

To translate it in English it means
"There is so word for Love as its a God's decorative creation"

Word उपमा in Marathi and Sanskrit means a figure of speech of 'simile' in English. Phonetically it is spelt as Upama in English. Upama is a famous breakfast dish in the south of India. Some girls in India are name as 'Prema' meaning "loved one" as  'Prem' means Love in Marathi, Sanskrit and even in Hindi.

Jokingly we say Prema cannot eat Upama as there is no simile to Love. and that by the creation of God. God's order that Prema cannot have Upama.

That leads me to another story of importance of Upama ie Simile. There is a 'Subhashit' (saying) in Sanskrit which  credits different Sanskrit authors as it says

उपमा कालिदासस्य भारवेरर्थगौरवम्।
दण्डिनः पदलालित्यं माघे सन्ति त्रयो गुणाः ॥

This means Kalidas used simile in the best possible way. No one can beat Bharava in meaning full words. Dandi was a master of 'Padalalitya' ie rhythm of speech. While Magh had all three qualities

I never had the chance to understand Sanskrit even I had Sanskrit as the school. We learnt Sanskrit for marks and not for the beauty of language and that has been a regret though never late even now. Maybe once I learn Sanskrit, maybe I will read a better description of Love done by Kalidasa in Sanskrit. Experts can help me here.

That reminds me of another Sanskrit work Kandambari by Banabhatta. That remains in bucket list as well. I have heard the origin of work 'Kadambari' which is what we call a novel in Marathi.  And today i am reading an English novel this Valentine weekend thus remembering Kadambari. Experts say that the language used by Banbhatta used is filled with valleys and mountains of words that the reader is lost in the plot.
There I story about the writing of this novel which highlights how the choice of the words defines the quality of the writing and description of a concept/event and story of the novel. As Banbhatta came towards the end of the writing of the novel titled Kadambari, his health deteriorated to an extent where he decided that he could no longer complete Kadambari. He called two of his sons to decide who can complete the work. There was a dry, desiccated tree without any leaves in the compound. Banbhatta asked his two sons to describe the tree
Elder said:
शुष्कम काष्ठम तिष्ठती अग्रे
that means:  A Dry Wooden twig is standing forth
Younger said:
 निष्पर्ण वृक्ष विलासती पुरतं
A leafless tree is decorating the view.

The Younger son completed Kadambari for Banabhatta

The same fact told with different words

After writing all this I just wanted to say that: "I am eating Upma while reading a novel on lazy Valentine weekend"

It is my choice of word to describe this and let me say I am enjoying it....


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