Its Media's Job to bring forth what people think, aspire and support. That assumes that the Majority is always correct since we live in a democracy. While some in media believe that they should support what is correct and point out what is incorrect irrespective of what majority supports. This approach assumes that what they in media think is correct. In that case, it is not a democracy but meritocracy ie what few elites in media think is correct. Thus media becomes undemocratic when they oppose the majority. That's the biggest flaw of mainstream media. Social media provides an option for all to voice their opinions in a democratic manner. But Elite media thinks social media as an army of trollers and thus term it as a very shallow and non-serious platform. They keep on publishing/telecasting opinions of elites who think they are right and yet cry that those in power even if they are elected democratically to suppress democracy and kill the constitution even if the constitution is followed to its last word. This is what is happening when all those in media oppose CAA and kill the voice of the many maybe those in the majority who support CAA. All we read/hear the judgment without any sound reasoning that is how NRC is bad and intolerant and how protestors who constitute the elites, those heavily influenced by politics and maybe in fewer numbers are correct.
CAA is inclusive and deals only in cases where the humanitarian approach is considered while treating immigrants from three countries. We can create other norms for other countries with new amendments. It is an ongoing process.NRC is just auditing of demographics. Don't develop countries and others have them? If you are a legal citizen why worry. But again the problem is hampering of vote bank of illegal citizens and bad politics by the opposition.
Media is crying on why other countries are not considered while doing that they are silent and miss to see the most obvious elephant in the room: intolerance and suppression that has been done historically by a major section of humanity since ages which have resulted in major problems in the world and specifically in these countries. Why it is taboo for media to denounce that section and criticize every amount of self-assertion done by other tolerant sections of humanity as majoritism. Is it because of mortal fear created by that section or financial gains offered by petrodollars or is it a competition/aspiration to remain popular by sounding more liberal in elite section by denouncing whatever the majority thinks? Why don't all sane voices across sections of humanity sit and resolve this, especially the sane voices within that section which I believe are in majority within that section as well but sadly silent?
But the opposition to CAA is shrill with lies, anecdotes on Nazi comparisons, and in conjunction with the international media, no stone is unturned to put Indian government down and giving a message to the world that the new Indian regime is intolerant, right inclined and undemocratic.
The real reason is that these sections of media have lost their privileges and benefits in erstwhile regimes and thus feel left out. Luckily for them and unluckily for India, the economy is in the downturn thanks to global trends and past correction in the system introduced by the introduction of a cashless economy and central tax regime. These two factors changed the basis and foundation of small, mid domestic segments which were unregulated, untaxed and cash/corruption prone operations. So right well-meaned steps have created short-termed miseries in the economy. Unluckily world economy also suffered trade war pains. That has added venom to the sting of criticism. Yes, the government also has to get its share of criticism of lacking vision and direction on the measures to be taken but that's another topic. International media has been historically anti-India thanks to India being foolish to be on the wrong side of the cold war as decided by then regimes. International media has not looked much into the sound, tolerant and inclusive principles of Indian ethos and culture beyond the Gandhi brand. Indian liberal stalwarts of media also are well connected across opinion-makers in elite universities and NGOs to let India down by suppressing sane reasoning of humanitarian provisions of CAA. With certain exposure to social media and networks, I can be reasonably correct when I say that many if not the majority of voices supporting CAA are unrepresented in media. Elections in 2019 have also corroborated that. For that matter state election where so-called setback was drummed by media were actually won by incumbents and lost to corrupt evil coalitions or lost due to local state anti-incumbency rather than national issues and endorsements.
Of course, elections are different than voices and opinions which are more relevant and correctly represented in social media. But the mainstream media also has an impact on opinion-making. Thus media is to be blamed for suppressing majority or sizable voices and should we call them Killers of democracy?
This is happening even in other parts of the world including the USA.
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