Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Power of 9

9-9-09, fancy date is approaching. China had fancy of 8, so they launched Olympics at 8:08 pm on 8-8-08. For me its 9 which fascinate me somehow. I dont believe in Numerology (with that my lucky sign should be 6th being born on that date).
9 has various meanings for me: 1 short of best. 10/10. Our CPA was based on scale of 10. we judge many things on this scale. 10/10 is superhuman or lucky (with divine intervention). That last mark lost is reality of human limitation. I feel its the best we get. Even top rankers in IIT are called 9 pointers. Its human to err. Idea is to minimize error and that has a limit. anything above is matter of chance or superhuman accuracy. sometimes in maths i used to get cent percent as maths is only objective subject rest all subjects have subjectivity. Does that mean if things are objective then you can score 100% in life. whenever there is subjectivity we are bound to lose atleast a mark? another philosophical question but yes very relevant. so in scheme of things which are to be judged subjectively (so is life a matter of subjective judgement) perfect 10 is impossible. Even perfect characters have blemishes: be it mythalogical or historical. No one can be 100% perfect. people do get close to perfection with tremendous hard work. But one has to be realistic about limit of 9 or you can call curse of 9 for all.
Leave aside philosophical value of 9, i have sentimental factor attached to every yer ending with 9. it marked paradigm shift in 89, it marked a complete status change professionally and personally in 99, what does 2009 has done, will it stand to test will be known in these few months starting with 9th month. my father celebrated landmark b'day in 09. he got married in 69, I did a feat in 79 (childrens year) which was noted by A B Vajpayee who was foreign minister in Janata govt .
Wish you a very happy 9-9-09. a near perfect date.

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