Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Last Quarter

As we enter last quarter of 11, seasons have changed globally. Rains have given way to autumn here. Fall has already started in US. English summer has ended. Its now 3D time, dandiya-dasara-diwali. This is special season for fun. Then after lull of november the king of the months set in with winter, parties, travel, events personally for me. Empirically for me, new things plan start from Oct and firm up in Dec and next year is action to get into some herrings by monsoon and 3rd quarter, which creates need to innovate on that plan in last quarter. I think its the same everywhere. In india, people traditionally start their conquests on dasara. so time to regroup and recharge. This year was fabulous in terms of getting back to old dreams. Live cricket, treks, world cup win and last but not the least Purshottam karandak.
This year had a chance to see final plays of purshottam karandak the most prestigious intercollegiate drama competition in pune. I had partcipated in 91 and now after 20 yrs was back at bharat. the slogans, the shouts etc were the same. tempo and prestige has increased. The quality of drama was amazing to believe lack of professional touch. that was the case in our time as well that alumni who later went big into professional stage used to proxy direct the plays. Now i think a trend of outsourcing can be experienced. so we have merceneries (motivated by money than college pride) helping out. But issues, depth , acting etc was amazing.
As coming back to 2011 last quarter, world economy still continue to scare. The mild shackles which were being broken in 2010 are again back. Companies are more scared. IT companies though is cautious. But its easy to predict a large panic like situation eauivalent to 2008 levels. and this time india wont be so lucky as inflation, rupee and interests have gone to recession levels as global slowdown has caught up this time and internal parameters are unsound. Need some real good policy making. But govt seems to be on tricky situation due to corruption and other political issues. The Euro govt intervention and US policies also are eagerly observed and any trend can setin mass actions from investors. Markets have already taken beating here. So 2012 will be fingers crossed and can turn out landmark. Ofcourse there still can be opportunities for innovation. tech scene is also tricky with new paradigms are set in cloud, mobility, social media. But end clients adopting them in such situation is a big question mark. again there is room for innovation.
Few new lessons learnt during rainy season last time can be bit help as well.
that marks beggining of new season, new hopes, new plans. Last quarter has always been challenging... same with indian team to recoup after a disaster that was in english summer.

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