Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Lessons for monsoon season

There is a saying in marathi that "nehemichi yeto pavasala" meaning certain experiences in life occur regularly and periodically so whats new about it. and whats thje point to blog about it. Point is human minds wants more. quoting famous vikram batra quote on this Kargil Victory memorial day.
Monsoon magic has set in for sure. Time for hot wadas, bhajis, tea cutin at some pristine location atleast 30 kms from Pune. July has been kind with outings to Mulshi, Panchagani, Lonavala the usual suspects. I dont dare go sinhgad side to avoid getting stuck by weekend crowds. Need to find an off week day to drive atop sinhagad and enjoy.
Dams are full and i still remember water cuts in 2009. Nothing new has happen though we face situation every year. No dam connecting , no rain water harvesting, no pipe leakage planning. We dont learn from past even monsooon arrives every year.
since i referred to kargil, how prepared we are against such occurrences. It was due to personal strenght of brave soldiers and officers we won then. Is our political and military leadership adept now. Have they learnt their lessons.
Same with terror. It happen again and again and we dont learn anything.
why blame politicians, have we learnt that we should follow traffic rules to avoiud accidents, have we learnt to maintain cleanliness to avoid monsoon illness, Have we learnt to have safe outings to places like forst, dams, waterfalls. so horrific was patalpani.
Nevertheless have a great monsoon and may you have chance to go near nature....

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