Monday, March 31, 2014

Modi, Moral rights and my take.....

I read an article opposing Modi on the grounds of moral rights owing to Gujarat riots (link below) with an extreme open mind from start till end. This was so typical of arm chair intellectuals deeply disconnected from India either living in india and abroad. In between being extremely one sided and myopic which is a result of authors own jaundiced view (which i can attribute the thought process to as liberal elitist with whom i fight on social media day in and out and winning handsomely  if public reaction is the parameter). Though i can hear a ‘fiberal ‘accusing this as jingoism from majority or in plain term mobocracy. (Fiberal is my term for people of this mindset. i am including a separate definition what i mean by term fiberal.)
But coming back to this piece of one sided commentary i tried again and again to bring forth valid points for debate amidst all venom.
1.       Theory of Justice for Gujarat: Author claims modi has no moral right to rule country due to Gujarat 2002.
2.       Even if he apologizes in that case he is incompetent to control riots how he can rule country
3.       Other proven performance parameters for last 12 years like economy, growth etc don’t matter so long as moral grounds of justice for Gujarat are upheld.
4.       Author thinks that Modi thinks like Hitler and India will be Nazi country.
I am discounting the comedy of point no 4. i am not answering that. Tomorrow i may think  AAP is funded by CIA. Thats my though process to which no one else can argue. So i am not getting into this idiotic point.
(pls let me know if i have missed any other vaid intellectual point from this jaundiced article, as with my limited abilities i am unable to. In case someone does i am game to debate on valid debatable points)
Point 1.
I am not saying that one riot is better than other. But genocide is where all victims are of one community or group of people. In Delhi, not a single hindu was killed where as more than 2000 sikhs were butchered. So does that give congress right to rule county by authors logic. Author himself states that more than 200 hindu were killed in Gujarat 2002. How were they killed? By police. So that means that administration was atleast doing something though they were unsuccessful. Lastly Supreme Court has given clean chit to modi for his individual involvement. If you don’t believe in courts of India, pls do so in US as US is not granting modi visa which he has not even applied for. In Delhi there is not a single conviction but at least Gujarat govt has ensured accused to be brought to justice. Not a single congressman was brought to justice in Delhi. Now forget Delhi, what about riots in Mumbai in 1993? Do you remember who cm was then? I would give a small gift to someone who does. It was sudhakar naik, is he being accused of perpetrating violence in Mumbai 1993? So that means anybody from congress does not have moral right to rule country. Now what about Tarun Gogoi aasaam riots in 2012 and muzaffarnagar riots in 2013 under akhilesh yadav. Why no one is singled out? I will explain what makes modi different for media and fiberals in my corollary.

Point no 2 and 3:
Congress has apologized for 1984 by appointing Sikh PM and PM himself has said so.  Author says even if Modi does that he does not feel him to be competent to handle issues of India.  Now author has forgotten that Gujarat is the safest state in India for women. Crime rate is lowest. Terrorist are dealt with as they should be. We have proven case study for last 12 years.  So by the same logic, crime against women, law and order is worst in Delhi right under congress nose. So does that make competent.
All other matters don’t count unless basic issue of justice is resolved.  So who delivers justice? It is the Supreme Court in India. And it has given clean chit.  So pls cry in front of US embassy for final justice. And what matters most for common man in India is to be part of growth story which was given by P V Narsinha Rao (most maligned leader of congress and he was most away from congress mentality)and A B Vajpayee (BJP). What we are today are thanks to these two gentlemen. If you disagree, then all the best for wasteful subsidies like MNREGA, FSB, RTE. But then for fiberals, Justice for Gujarat is more important than having better life for everyone.
If that doesn’t convince remain at 3-4% of India growth story and India will be taken back in old license raj of 70s. And i can also hear someone from opposite thought process accuse me of jaundiced view from other side. But then let’s only discuss points, not the personal views.

Fiberal: Is the liberal minded, English educated, socially elite Indian who has been benefitted by system for being close to establishment. This establishment of elites are part of admin, media, politics and education. This establishment replaced the British at Luytens after independence. British had reasons to promote minority interest to sustain divide and rule policy. So these are leftists, elitist always bark about minority rights. His group has voice in established english media, they travel abroad and have lot of clout in other government. They are now scared that an outsider like Modi who comes from vernacular, non elite background to replace their interest. Thats why Modi is different from other CMs i named under whom worse riots have taken place.

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