Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Time to change calendars, planners, diaries. Time to make resolutions and break it. Time to get into the most non happening part of year from Jan-apr till summer vacations for kids. In student life this was exam time; a crunch time. Winter turns into spring and then into hot summer. Only festivity on horizon is Holi. All parties stacked up in last quarter of the year are over and back to work now.

This is the time one can make it count. Human mind has a great weakness to find excuses and get adapted to situation. I think thats the main problem all us face. We are so comfortable in the day to day existence, routine, job that we lose focus on doing something new, solving problems that we really have to. Instead we dwelve upon day to day actions , fighting todays fire and do that repeatedly. These mundane problems occupy 80% of our time. And we find excuses to do avoid doing something new. Lack of ability to take calculated risks and sheer laziness are two elephants in the room.
Here is my idea of approaching this.
List out things troubling you most. The things you consider as main problems hampering your happiness.
Find solutions to each of those
Try to spend 80% of your time on solving those.
Thats half way towars happiness is to solve all your worries, botherations, problems.
Work towards solving them diligently. Never lose focus as these are real problems. They may take great efforts, hrs, days to resolve but never say quit till that problem is eleminated from your list.
Make small plans, fine tune them, change plans if need be, you might feel that by doing this you have aggrevated your problem, in that case reverse the plan. Dont feel sad about temporary setbacks. Be happy and focussed. One day this list will be erased.
Having solve your problems, now you need to unwind , remove your hackles. Try thinking what is my wishlist now that i have removed my problems. what i want to do with my life at this stage. List them. Plan as to how you will accomplish them. Dont be averse to taking risk to achieve them as in worst situation it may not work out but you will be one step ahead in your quest now that you know one way not to do it.
Take review and change plans. Be creative and think various possibilities to achieve your goals. Never stop till you realize.
In both above actions, one thing is important that you have to put in hard work. Hard work never kills anybody. You have to be persistent and you have to believe in your selves. In both above plans one thing is very important to keep your near ones a part of process. They will value this.
Bit heavy ? Yes but time to be serious and rejuvenate your existence....

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