Monday, December 5, 2011

A sensational act...

King of the months has arrived (though winter has vanished)and lot of festivities planned throughout. Sad start though with demise of Devanand. Evergreen person, great contribution to cinema and timeless music (though he is just front end of that). wish list is being prepared for 2012 which again promoses to be significant year. 2011 has also been great with lot of things done which were pending or which were unique. Though it has seen many stalwarts fading to their end. Wait for this space for the roundup of this year of worldcup...

One very sensational event happened though in Nov. There was a slap to an elder minister. At this onset , i feel it was unrequired and violence is condemnable esp targetted against elder. Totally uncultured and pointless activity in itself.

But there are two points i like to make

Number one is that though its standalone incidence (resulting out of intentional/unintentional security lapse, needs many answers), it represent anger people have against those who have abused power over years. The minister who was slapped, though is famous for not getting involved in any scams (excpet lavasa) , issues. He has political tact of getting across spectrum and has taken his opportunities. But public sentiment barring those who follow him for personal socio-econo-political gains is totally alarming. Here the kind of politics involved has a undocumented casteist tinge which many have denied unsuccessfully. The financial asset decalartion done by this MP was so unbeleivable and was a folklore. Many people have many claims about , but everything is murmur, hearsays. No one has guts to be public about it due to kind of politics involved. But since there is no crossing over of lines, one need not be judgemental without being unfair to the MP. Even suggestions or mentioning of above public sentiment publically is tantamount to defamation and cause for involving wrath of establishment. But there needs to be introspection from this incidence that romours have to be put to rest and concerned individual cannot come out clean unless there is credible effort from him /her to establish sincerity. But politcians dont care. They should learn from this that there is anti politician rage amongst people. They cannot ignore that. Point though is why this minister was targeted and why not those behind scene and have unlimited power for just being a party president. and why not a home minister who has involvement in 2G, why not the face of govt who is PM with economics background (though failed miserable in current downturn). One can argue that portfolio of agriculture is directly responsible for price rise and food infaltion which impacts most for public. some policies of minsitry have been bizzarre but this ministry cannot be singled out. Thus the act was denouncable and irrelevant but has created a real goonj across spectrum

The second point that needs to be made is freedom of expression is at risk. Example way anna hazare was ridiculed. Anna has his style so has thakrey and verbal violence is part of both characters. what anna said reflected innocent anger most have against incumbents. But all parties (who have all grudges against anna and lokpal, and his team which is targeted by govt), media were strongly against anna. Infact even writing or saying against anything/anyone on internet gets defamation threat. The way bandh was followed in Pune was nothing short of hooliganism. then why single out shivesena/mns ? also way politicians lended support made a sense of brotherhood which can be perceived anti people pro elite. though the act to hit an elder is deplorable and shameful, act to douse opposition is also one.
and one important point: pls investigate security lapse because intent of some in power cannot be ignored.. let there be CBI enquiry....

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