Monday, April 19, 2010

Midsummer's Night Dreams

IPL nights will be done and over with in a weeks time. Excitement is at its peak with semifinals and finals to go. My favorite team MI also feature.... what more you want.
Leading characters have created magic eyesolution just like in the original play by the bard. Anyone who sees IPL, its grandeur falls in love with it. They want to be part of glamour, money involved. Whole nation is sedated. Cricket is like mass opium.
No issues if it is treated like a sport. But amount of money, stakes involved have made it a big risk for all the stakeholders.
Till now players seemed to be out of bounds for corruption. But you never know.
Owners funding sources will definitely be under scanner with ministers etc getting involved.
TV rights, ad rates etc are so high that i really doubt the value it brings to advertiser.
Right now economics in conventional model, has made it unviable. But then real game is about equity. This equity is mainly valuated based on egos of owners than actual numbers.
The fanfare, glamour, power etc are added incentives.
Viewers and spectator who pay out of their pocket also want their share of glamour and glitz.
TV viewers fall into two catergories: serious indian cricket fanatic who can watch any cricket dished on TV and party animals who have another reason to party with match live.
Its the former one i am concerned about. For him cricketers are god and cricket is religion (sorry for using cliche.. But its fact, yours truly included). also i am worried about test cricket and integrity of criceters. Need of the day is realistic management of money involved with lot of transparency...
Hopefully still there are some sane voices who will make these happen.
Till then praying for MI to go all the way......

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