Sunday, December 27, 2009

Happy new year and decade

With 2009 almost gone, i am sure you all must have made great plans to welcome 2010 and incoming decade (i dont want to hear arguments that 2010 end marks that, as i firmly hold belief as an example that how can one consider 1990 as year in the decade of 80s).Its been eventful year which started on a challenging note. Challenges make our lives and all of us have accepted that. Lets hope you have a great year 2010 and a great decade ahead. May all your dreams come true and you have great happiness, prosperity and health.Its been an honor being associated with you, lets hope we continue remaining in touch in coming year/shappy new year 2010.

I had spent end of 1989, 1999(y2K) at some great locations. Plan to do encore. see you in next decade recharged and refreshed. Hope you have great holidays.... Eventful decade though, next one promises more so....

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