Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pandemic Terror

More than AH1N1 its terror which is pandemic and damaging. Its very natural to be careful, watchful but its another thing to be terrorised.
Its rightfully said that if you keep subjects under fear they are easy to be governed. Now we dont have Kings but we have politicians who claim to be our representatives who have this policy. Its very unfair to blame politicians for everything but its the system which needs overhaul.
Having suffered the logistical nightmare owing to school shutdown, i feel panic has set in. Its correct and prudent to be scared and follow the rules. Idea should have been to educate and circulate proper information right since the day first victim was detected. (it was atleast 15 days back that a software guy had reported, things got into news only when whole class was down).
ofcourse health officials tried to do that.
But now with first death in india, terror has crept in more than panic. a slightest bout of cold, sneeze, fever will lead parents to h1n1 tests. but that needs to be done as its very tough to track how and when you would have got in contact with infected patient. offices, gyms, clubs, hotels, movies, public transport, ... where all you can establish the chain...
Now i feel we should do following:
1. Have 5 more official quarantine sections (one in kothrud, one in katraj, one in aundh, one in peth areas, one in shivajinagar) to isolate and treat positive cases
2. 2 more H1N1 testing centers /equipment should be added (at what cost will need to find out) to handle cases with symptoms (be it anybody) and rule out negatives.
3. Home quarantine of people in direct contact with H1N1 positive confirmed cases. Dont close whole school. Upon symptoms report to centers
4 Basic hyegiene to be maintained while sneezing , spitting , hand washing etc.
5. pray to almighty
its scary situation....


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